Meditation is a great way to reduce anxiety.
If you're feeling anxious today, try taking a few minutes to sit quietly and breathe deeply. Focus on your breathing and allow yourself to get lost in it—don't think about anything else. This will help you calm down and give yourself some space between whatever's going on in your life right now and the feelings that come up when you think about it.
If this sounds like something you want to try, here's how:
1) Find a quiet place where you won't be bothered for 5-10 minutes (a closet works well).
2) Sit comfortably with your back straight but not rigidly upright. If possible, sit cross-legged or lie flat on the floor with a pillow under your knees if they don't touch the ground easily.
3) Close your eyes and begin breathing slowly through your nose (you should be able to hear yourself breathing). Your goal is to inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds—don't try too hard! Just count "one… two… three…" while doing this exercise at least once every other minute until the time is up.
4) When you feel ready, say "Okay!" to yourself and open your eyes. This is an important part of the meditation—when you open your eyes, take a moment to notice how everything looks different than it did before (it will probably seem brighter or darker).
5) Get up slowly, stretch out your arms and legs for a few moments, then go about your day!
Happy Meditation Monday!